In a devastating incident that has sent shockwaves through the capital district of Suphan Buri province, a fireworks factory erupted in a catastrophic explosion, resulting in the complete obliteration of the facility. The incident, which occurred on Jan 17th, claimed the lives of 23 individuals, including the factory owner, a woman, and her son.
The aftermath prompted swift action from authorities who, upon inspection, established a public assistance center at Wat Rong Chang, just 2 kilometers from the site of the explosion. The Minister of Public Health, Dr. Cholnan Srikaew, and his team paid a solemn visit to the scene, offering condolences and support to the grieving families.
As part of the initial aid response, various agencies have pledged compensation of approximately 300,000 baht to the families of each deceased victim. Plans are also underway to set up a command center at Wat Rong Chang, where relatives of the deceased have started arriving, creating an atmosphere heavy with grief.
One remarkable story amidst the tragedy involves the sole survivor of the fireworks factory explosion. Having left the premises just half an hour before the catastrophic event, he narrowly escaped the fate that befell his colleagues and loved ones. The reason for his timely departure was a call from his son, who urgently requested money. This twist of fate spared him from the devastating blast that occurred shortly after.
Mrs. Namfon Bunklom, a heartbroken mother and eyewitness to the unfolding tragedy, recounted the chilling sequence of events. Her son’s abrupt request for money led him to leave the factory, only to narrowly escape the explosion that claimed the lives of family members, friends, and colleagues. Namfon’s poignant testimony sheds light on the harsh reality faced by those working in the fireworks industry, where economic necessity often trumps safety concerns.
The grief-stricken husband of the factory owner revealed the somber aftermath of the incident. Saddened by the loss of his wife and children, he shared that 80 fireworks, crafted for a funeral, would mark the end of their production. With three surviving children to care for, the family faces an uncertain future in the wake of this tragic and avoidable disaster.
As investigations into the cause of the explosion continue, the community of Suphan Buri mourns the loss of lives and reflects on the inherent risks associated with the fireworks industry.